Sonntag, 5. Januar 2014

Black Nights feat. John Frusciante - Roundtable Discussion

This a very nice song by two rappers called Black Knights who I have never heard from before and who are quite ungoogleable. (At least if you're not very motivated, which I am. They are somehow associated to Wu-Tang, if anyone cares.) What makes it so nice is that the song has been produced by John Frusciante - and you can definately hear that. Especially the beginning is quite Frusciantesque (voice and beat wise) ... only after 2:15 it becomes a little too rap-cheesy for my liking.

1 Kommentar:

Oli hat gesagt…

Das dazugehörige Album "Medieval Chamber" kommt übrigens am 14.01.2014 raus... komplett von Frusciante produziert.